Saturday, May 28, 2011


so, i kind of suck at updating this. I rarely get on the computer anymore, and when i do, it seems to be just to go to stumbleupon, i'm obsessed.

but today, i learned how to fishtail braid, see look! :)

it will get better as time goes on, but i finally learned :)

in other news, the weather is finally starting to get better. summer Colorado weather is beginning. Beautiful during the day, then thunderstorms everyday at 4 or 6 pm pretty much without fail.

p.s. i still miss all of my cedar friends.

also, i climbed the incline yesterday, then ran down Barr Trail. and guess what? I'm really sore. (if you don't know that that is, the incline is an old railroad site going up the side of Pikes Peak. its basically a mile and a half of straight steps, followed by a mile and a half hike down Barr Trail to get back to the parking lot) At least it made me realize that i need to get my butt in shape for real and stop eating crap although I've eliminated junk food almost entirely.

I'm working on the list i created a few posts back about my summer plans, reading is good, and i can't wait until Cars 2 and Smokin' Seventeen come out in a month. The Hangover Part II was HILARIOUS. usually sequels don't measure up to the originals, but this one comes darn close.

That's all folks!

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